paint test is after breakfast time~~so,me & song man prepared a nutritious breakfast for us^^~
got Egg bread,Crab bread,hot dog,Crab,Apple Salad & Soy milk~~
Egg bread is prepare by song man~soy milk is prepare by ekuan avis~others is prepare by me~~~
is time to show our examination of the works of painting~
first,is my work~
so nice~right?haha...
My favorite works~
by:feng~i love it><~~~i also wan to do this~~~
Good work~
by:song man
by:ekuan avis
by:mee chin
funny works~
by:ah leong~
by:weng wai~
We all do well oo,especially girls~many do not take photographs,sorry ya~
Not to the end of time, everyone had left the seat to visit the work of others~
When I'm coloring paint paper,ah feng suddenly came up & say:"u pass already lo?" funny le...