cause got 2week holiday,i also wat i wan do at this week...plan plan plan...
Final results:2day use for Celebrate friend birthday~2day go find my love sister~other day?stay at home ba...
really nothing to do TT,so cham...
but tat LAI WEE TING arh,not me don't wan to go,at first,i also at plan to go kampar de lo~but...really no money,go 4day le,if really just RM89 also cannot ma,cause u four day no need eat food meh!i think also wan bring more RM50 to go eat la,so RM89 or RM130 what is the difference??
haiz,nvm la~let the Fate to contro me...
anyway~2mro i my holiday already~
haha,not really last day la~just wan start 2 week holiday only~
& tat pic is take be4 go school...
after,at school...
this is our mat paper one~
aiyoyo,got one more is ekuan avis de,she dun wan let me take pic~
hehe,why wan take this pic?cause hor...we 5ppl mat paper one also get 11 only...
after school,at home got 2 funny things~
i also dunno why my twisties got "Arrow"!?
after tat at nite....
got one big Grasshopper at my home!!!!lol!!!!!!!!!........
I also don't know why my home has recently too many insects...
Last week,got one *小强,i see it when i ready to go school...
A few days ago,i dunno it is Gecko or Lizard,got litter big like a 15cm....also see when i ready go to school~
huh...why my home will like!!
arh!!!!so geli!!!!